The Era of the Crusades – Audiobook Online

“The Era of the Crusades” is a course taught by Kenneth W. Harl. It provides an in-depth historical analysis of the Crusades, covering topics such as the motivations behind them, the religious and cultural background of the time, and the impact they had on Europe and the Middle East. The course also explores the key events and personalities that shaped the era, including Pope Urban II, Salah al-Din, Richard the Lionheart, and Saint Francis of Assisi. Throughout the lectures, Harl offers insights into the complex political, social, and economic factors that influenced the Crusades and their legacy, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in medieval history and religious conflict.

What force led to one of the most legendary and protracted periods of conflict in history? How did they influence the three great civilizations that joined them? And finally, why did they end and what did they achieve?

In these 36 lectures, you’ll look at the “big picture” of the Crusades as a period of ongoing conflict regarding the Christian professed religions in the West (now we call it Western Europe), the Byzantine Empire and the Muslim world. From this perspective, you will study the complex but fascinating causes of the Crusades, including the many political, cultural and economic changes in Western Europe following the fall of the Roman Empire. You’ll examine the Crusades by specific military campaigns—eight “canonical” Crusades that took place from 1095-1291-claimed to have recaptured Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslims and give them back to religions that claim to be Christianity. You will consider the immediate circumstances – the leaders, the purpose, the key battles and the degree of success or failure – surrounding these often epic expeditions.

You will also discover many misconceptions and long-debated questions about the Crusades:

  • Did the popes preach the Crusades as a way to increase their personal power and authority?
  • Why did the members of the Fourth Crusade decide to sack Constantinople, turning the Crusades from Christian against “infidel” to Christian against Christian?

Really amazing. A compelling performance from a well-researched authority with well-researched sources. A great read for anyone interested in medieval history, and an important turning point in European history.

This series of lectures is a great overview of the crusades. The instructor, Professor Kenneth W. Harl, is an excellent teacher and I would highly recommend anything he produces. If you are a history buff, he will provide the best traditional history teaching service.

This series covers the era of the crusades from their origins to the end of the era of the “canonical” crusades following King Louis of France’s 8th crusade in North Africa. . One strength of this lecture series is that the author has done a great job of looking at the crusades from the perspective of all three major civilizations involved, Western Europe, the Byzantine (Or Eastern Roman) Empire and Islamic civilization. This series gives you an incredible sense of how all three civilizations interacted during this era and were influenced and changed by the crusades.

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