The Greatest Gambling Story Ever Told – Audiobook Online

The Greatest Gambling Story Ever Told is an inspiring personal narrative about a filly who broke through the male-dominated world of horseracing and inspired crowds of men and women alike, along with a trio of gamblers who embark on an unforgettable adventure that’s as epic as the history victory of Winning Colors. It’s Seabiscuit meets Narcos, and the best true-life gambling story ever told.

  • The Greatest Gambling Story Ever Told

  • A True Tale of Three Gamblers, the Kentucky Derby, and the Mexican Cartel
  • By: Mark Paul
  • Narrated by: Will Damron

In the late 1980s, a spectacular three-year-old female racehorse named Winning Colors was being groomed for success under her famous Hollywood trainer D. Wayne Lukas and the billionaire owner of the San Diego Chargers pro-football team Eugene Klein.

Meanwhile, three fun-loving gamblers Miami Paul, Dino Mateo, and Big Bernie believed that Winning Colors could be the unlikely female winner of the 1988 Kentucky Derby. When the gamblers unknowingly place their long shot bet with members of a suspected drug cartel at a racetrack in Tijuana, Mexico, they must figure out how to claim their prize – without getting killed in the process.

In a heart-pounding race of their own across the US-Mexico border, the trio come face-to-face with suspected killers, are arrested by the Border Patrol, and fumble their way through the riskiest bet of their lives.

I loved this book, So interesting and entertaining!! I laughed out loud and was on the edge of my seat in some parts, HIGHLY recommend this book!!

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  • 01. welcome 8
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