Think Again Audiobook Free | Adam Grant Author | Best Business & Careers

Think Again is a psychology nonfiction self-help book written by Adam Grant. It is a #1 New York Times bestseller that explains the process of learning. This book details the power of knowing what you don’t know. The author has woven storytelling and research together and helps us build an emotional and intellectual muscle. We need to stay curious enough regarding the world so that we can change it.

This book has garnered praise from a variety of big names will Bill and Melinda Gates. Besides this book, Adam is an organizational psychologist and a top-rated professor for many years. His books have sold millions of copies and they have been translated into more than 35 languages. If you want to check more work of the professor, start with Originals. You can also gain a lot of insight from Option B.

This book is read by the author. Since the narrator is familiar with his own work, he knows where to put the emphasis and which parts need his most sincere dedication and effort. It is a treat listening to him narrate it.

Intelligence is seen as the driving force behind this world, but it is the ability to unlearn and rethink that’s even more important. Many of us favor the comfort of conviction over exploring the discomfort of doubt.

Our beliefs get brittle along with our bones because we like to hear what we think is true, and what confirms our preconceived notions. Only by challenging our beliefs, we can become resolute in them.

This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to follow a culture of exploration and learning whether they’re at work, school, or home. These lessons are even more important today, in an increasingly divided work.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Think Again-Part01 1318.94
  • 03. Think Again-Part02 3775.94
  • 04. Think Again-Part03 3826.67
  • 05. Think Again-Part04 4310.56
  • 06. Think Again-Part05 3845.86
  • 07. Think Again-Part06 3675.3
  • 08. Think Again-Part07 3257.19

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