Grey Sister/ Book of the Ancestor, Book 2 – Online Free Audiobook

Grey Sister is the second science fiction book in the Book of the Ancestor series by author Mark Lawrence.
In Mystic Class Nona Gray begins to learn the secrets of the universe. The truth only makes our choices more difficult. Before leaving the Monastery of Sweet Mercy, Nona must choose her path and take the red of the Martial Nun, the gray of the Nun of prudence, the blue of the Mystical Goddess or the color simple black of the Bride of the Ancestors, entails a life of prayer and service.

Standing between her and these choices is the pride of a thwarted assassin, the ambition of a future queen who will use the Inquisition as a blade, and the vengeance of the richest lord. of the empire.

The world around her shrinks, and her enemies attack her with the same system she swore, Nona must forge her own path despite the lure of friendship, revenge, ambition and loyalty.

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