A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty A Novel – Audiobook Online By Joshilyn Jackson

A Grown Up Kind of Pretty is a story involving 3 generations of women, thwarted with hardships and torn by a devastating secret. Three generations of the Mosey Slocumb family with mutual ties will keep readers interested.

Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty A Novel audiobook by Mel

This One Ought To Butter Your Biscuit

“Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.” Truvy from Steel Magnolias

Kept seeing this title scroll down the “what’s trending in fiction” column with 5 stars and felt like I was missing a fun parade! I’d never read Joshilyn Jackson, (embarrassed to admit I’d never heard the name) but, I love a parade; gardening and iced tea was on the day’s agenda–perfect pick.

If you are a fan of Southern women fiction (or is this a Southern comedy/drama?) this one will surely butter your biscuit. It reminded me just a little of the gals from Steel Magnolias(Truvy, M’Lynn, Ouiser [Weeza], Shelby). The characters are quirky and fun, the family bond is touching, the humor is self-deprecating fun and not belittling, and there are some catchy phrases that will keep you smiling and laughing to yourself. Not my usual type of read, but I found Grown-Up Kind of Pretty a sweet, fun, easy listen that was pure enjoyment. The overall consensus I get is that this is also a Jackson fan favorite, one of her best, so a good introduction to J. Jackson; good suggestion from fellow listeners! While not all authors should read their own work, I enjoyed Jackson’s performance and thought it was a treat to have her do the narration. Great fun, appreciate the recommendation, and I enjoyed a perfect day!

Review 2: A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty A Novel audiobook by Elizabeth

Beautifully written and read!

I recently listened to Hunger Games and 11-22-63 and loved both. However, I really needed something in the here and now – something real I could relate to. I found it in this lovely book. My family didn’t see much of me this weekend because I was tucked away in the heart and soul of this book. This is my first book by Joshilyn Jackson but it won’t be my last. I highly recommend this book!

Review 3: A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty A Novel audiobook by Suzn F

Hang in There

These three southern beauties deliver in this story, but after a bit of a start and stop beginning. Others reviewers have set the stage describing the plot, so I’ll just say that this is a good book, an enjoyable read. I did feel it got off to a slow start and maybe it is because the narrator/author sounds very much the same in each character so make sure you pay attention in the beginning of each paragraph where the author/reader indicates who is speaking in the first person.
And I did glow in the loveliness and the fun of the characters’, especially Mosey’s southern (we called them) diddy’s…cute as a pixie sayings.

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  • 01. welcome 8
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