Audiobook 2021 – Murder by Other Means By John Scalzi
John Scalzi is an American author of science fiction stories. He has also written quite a bit of humorous stuff but science fiction has always been his go-to genre. If you want to see how good John Scalzi is as a science fiction writer then you must check out his The Last Emperox and Old Man’s War novels. Murder by Other Means is another great attempt by the writer. The book is the second installment in The Dispatcher novel series and it was highly anticipated after the success of the opening chapter of the series.
Zachary Quint has done the narration of this chapter. The narration was quite calm and the audience loves to hear him and to continue further in this series. He is an experienced narrator and accumulated all that in this novel. Zachary Quinto has some great acting skills as well for which he was given the Critic’s Choice Award in 2011. Moreover, he had been a nominee in Emmy Awards as well in 2011 fr American Horror Story.
This novel Murder by Other Means is not a typical John Scalzi novel but still, it is god for the excellent imagination and extraordinary writing. John Scalzi has the reputation of a great storyteller and he proved his worth once again with such a fantastic read for science fiction lovers.
The Dispatcher is a great series and so is this novel. The performance from Zachary was excellent too. He made this a delightful listen for sure. There were so many possibilities to be considered when it comes to the storyline and John Scalzi with all his wisdom, imagination and creation picked the best one.
Science Fiction, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #audiobook
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Murder By Other Means Section 1 3600.04
- 03. Murder By Other Means Section 2 3600.04
- 04. Murder By Other Means Section 3 3600.04
- 05. Murder By Other Means Section 4 1992.39
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