(Audiobook) Malevolent -Shaye Archer Series Book 1 By Jana DeLeon
Malevolent is the first book in the New York Times bestselling Shaye Archer series. Shaye Archer’s life is written in detail, making readers feel excited to follow this mysterious work. As a young Miss Archer was beaten in a small street, police later found her. When growing up she became a private investigator with a license. Her purpose is to help those beaten, unjust as childhood as her.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 1 2700.04
- 03. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 2 2700.04
- 04. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 3 2700.04
- 05. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 4 2700.04
- 06. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 5 2700.04
- 07. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 6 2700.04
- 08. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 7 2700.04
- 09. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 8 2700.04
- 10. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 9 2700.04
- 11. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 10 2700.04
- 12. Malevolent (Unabridged) (2) Section 11 2700.04
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