Audiobook Online – A Cold-Blooded Business/ A Kate Shugak Novel Book 4

A Cold-Blooded Business is the fourth novel in the A Kate Shugak Novel series by author Dana Stabenow. The book is about drug-related accidents at an oil company rig in the Arctic Circle. Kate Shugak must secretly find a connection to cocaine along the TransAlaskan Pipeline. She gets a big deal and shuts down his operation.

She also documents the damage that can be caused to even the smallest of things – a change in the wind, a footstep, a piece of grass through the drifting snow…
This book takes place in an almost pristine world, disrupted by the advent of humans exploiting the environment. The characters all have a good side and a bad side, and no one is perfect. The suspense and intrigue of this much amusing book.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. A Coldblooded Business (Kate Shugak 4)_01 2929.64
  • 03. A Coldblooded Business (Kate Shugak 4)_02 2929.64
  • 04. A Coldblooded Business (Kate Shugak 4)_03 2929.64
  • 05. A Coldblooded Business (Kate Shugak 4)_04 2929.64
  • 06. A Coldblooded Business (Kate Shugak 4)_05 2929.64
  • 07. A Coldblooded Business (Kate Shugak 4)_06 2929.64
  • 08. A Coldblooded Business (Kate Shugak 4)_07 2929.64
  • 09. A Coldblooded Business (Kate Shugak 4)_08 2928.54


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