Beyond Good and Evil – Audiobook Online
Beyond Good and Evil is a beautiful book by author Friedrich Nietzsche. As the culmination of Nietzsche’s mature philosophy, Beyond Good and Evil is a classic of moral thought and one of the cornerstones of existentialism.
The content of the book is harshly critical of traditional ethics and attacks earlier philosophers for their blind acceptance of Christian moral ideals.
As an alternative to what he saw as the illogical and irrelevant philosophy of the 19th century Nietzsche argued for the importance of imagination, self-assertion, danger, and originality to genuine philosophy. . He also denies the existence of a universal moral system and instead offers a framework within which social roles and power dynamics determine what is appropriate.
Beyond Good and Evil
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Beyond-Good-and-Evil-000 5217.93
- 03. Beyond-Good-and-Evil-001 5221.91
- 04. Beyond-Good-and-Evil-002 5215.31
- 05. Beyond-Good-and-Evil-003 5215.02
- 06. Beyond-Good-and-Evil-004 5214.84
- 07. Beyond-Good-and-Evil-005 685.08
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