Blood and Oil – Audiobook Online

Blood and Oil is a book about Mohammed bin Salman’s Cruel Quest for Global Power by Bradley Hope, Justin Scheck.
Blood and Oil is a gripping investigative journalism about one of the world’s most dangerous and assertive new leaders. Hope and Scheck show that the dizzying rise of MBS coincides with a fracturing of the simple agreement that has topped the US-Saudi relationship for more than 80 years: oil, for military protection. In his grid are famous American bankers, Hollywood figures and politicians, all eager to help the charming and cunning crown prince.

The Middle East has been a volatile region. Add to that a mix of an ambitious prince with extraordinary strength, a thirst for soul, close ties to the White House through President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and a willingness to disrupt shatters everything – and anyone – that obstructs his vision, and the stakes of his rise are being pulled. If his efforts are unsuccessful, Saudi Arabia is likely to become a destabilizing failed state and a magnet for Islamic extremists. And if his attempt to transform the country is successful, even partially, it will resonate around the world.
From the Wall Street Journal’s award-winning reporters, reporters get a fascinating look at the inner workings of the world’s most powerful royal family, and the succession struggle that has created How charismatic but ruthless is Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, aka MBS?

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  • 01. welcome 8
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  • 27. Blood-and-Oil-Mohammed-bin-Salmans-Ruthless-Quest-for-Global-Power-025 449.238


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