Blood Red/ Elemental Masters, Book 9 – Audiobook Online

Blood Red is the ninth literary fiction book in the Elemental Masters series by author Mercedes Lackey.
Blood Red is a fantastic piece, set in Germany’s Black Forest and the mystical mountains of Transylvania. All the smells of peasant and city life wafted from the pages of the book.

Rosamond Von Schwartvard, a young woman who grew up in the Black Forest, discovered she was an Earth Elemental when she was attacked as a child.

Rosa, as she was known, was raised by the Brotherhood of the Forest. She became a very powerful Master, and the first female leader of the Hunt.

As Rosa’s mentor, Graf, realized her great potential, she was introduced to a Fire Master, who trained her in the best techniques for socializing and strengthening her mastery. Her earth.

From this point on, Rosa’s life changed dramatically. All of her skills are put to the test as she faces evil in its most horrifying form. Hunting down the book’s conclusion, uncertain of Rosa’s survival, you’ll bite off every nail.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Blood-Red-Elemental-Masters-9-000 5260.44
  • 03. Blood-Red-Elemental-Masters-9-001 5259.58
  • 04. Blood-Red-Elemental-Masters-9-002 5257.58
  • 05. Blood-Red-Elemental-Masters-9-003 5263.14
  • 06. Blood-Red-Elemental-Masters-9-004 5261.29
  • 07. Blood-Red-Elemental-Masters-9-005 5260.89
  • 08. Blood-Red-Elemental-Masters-9-006 5257.62
  • 09. Blood-Red-Elemental-Masters-9-007 5260.9
  • 10. Blood-Red-Elemental-Masters-9-008 1010.25


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