Blood Trail/ Joe Pickett Book 8 – Audiobook Online

Blood Trail is a mystery and thriller novel in the Joe Pickett series by author C. J. Box.
The Mysteries of Joe Pickett by award-winning author C. J. Box are a staple of bestseller lists.

Former game manager Pickett is now an agent who reports directly to the governor.
With someone targeting elk hunters, Pickett faces a potentially deadly showdown when a flamboyant anti-hunting activist rushes into town.
For anyone who has followed the series, Pickett is a evolving character. Box has done an admirable job of taking its protagonist from “newbie” to being a mature and tough (and only occasionally a little shaky) detective in this Wyoming warden series. The story revolves around the regular Box theme, which is the collision of traditional Western values ​​with those who want to tell others how to live. In this story, the conflict presents an anti-hunting activist drawn to Wyoming by a series of assassinations of the camp’s large game hunters. Joe Pickett is of course a man of experience.

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