Building a Better Vocabulary – Audiobook Online

Building a Better Vocabulary is a great book by Kevin Flanigan, The Great Courses.

The hallmark of a strong vocabulary is not simply knowing many words; instead, it knows the correct word to use in a particular context or situation. A great vocabulary can enhance your speaking, writing and even thinking skills. This course will enhance your vocabulary, whether you want to improve your personal vocabulary, write or speak more clearly in a professional setting, or improve your knowledge of the English language. Older brother. For anyone who has ever mastered the word perfectly at a particular time, this course offers a fun and research-based method to improve your vocabulary.

Building a Better Vocabulary offers a fascinating look at the rudiments of English, teaches you the etymology and morphology – or history and structure – of words, and dives into the science of recognition. knowledge behind putting new words into long-term memory. By the end of 36 exciting lessons, you’ll have a practical framework to continue building your vocabulary by discovering new words and fully mastering the nuances of familiar words.

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