But She Is My Student – Audiobook Online

But She Is My Student is the first book in the Kat and Freya series by author Kiki Archer.
The novel deals with many issues of sex in an engaging yet humorous way, drawing listeners back into the world of teenage nostalgia and schoolboy memories.

A really great lesbian novel will also appeal to avid readers.
Ms. Katherine Spicer started her first day at Coldfield Comprehensive School confident, enthusiastic and very well qualified. That was until she caught the eye of the student hidden in the corner of her classroom. Kat’s last weekend of freedom is about to turn her life upside down and threaten everything she’s done; How did she know those enchanting blue eyes would reappear here?

But She Is My Student tells the story of Ms. Katherine Spicer’s journey during her first year of teaching at Coldfield Comprehensive School. She is a beautiful, intelligent young woman hailed as a great teacher whose two best friends must keep her spirits up when she is faced with an impossible situation. How does she know the woman she kisses will show up in her A-Level history class?

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