Dungeons and Noobs/ Noobtown, Book 4 – Audiobook Online

Dungeons and Noobs is the fourth novel in the Noobtown series by author Ryan Rimmel.
Badgelor was patient, or at least as patient as a killer.

With Grebthar Day celebrations, it’s finally time to find Charles! Nothing can stop Jim and his companions, not even a sign of the return of the Dark Overlord. This adventure may be Windfall’s best yet.
Ryan Rimmel is an artist. He also perfectly treats these lines as making Jim an idiot in some ways, seemingly a complete idiot in many ways, but also seems like an absolute genius in other ways, in when in reality he really isn’t, but is somehow still competent and June lucky enough to pull the uncanny prodigious feat out of his ass. The latter’s ending is definitely more intense than usual, with some events taking me through more than I’ve been through so far in the story.

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