Echoes of Honor/ Honor Harrington, Book 8 – Audiobook Online

Echoes of Honor is the eighth science fiction book in the Honor Harrington series by author David Weber.

For eight bloody years, Manticore’s Star Kingdom and its allies waged a war over the far more powerful People’s Republic of Haven.

Commodore Honor Harrington is at the forefront of that fight. Honor fell, was captured by the Peep Navy, turned over to the State Security forces – and executed on the star network’s nightly bulletin.

The Manticoran Alliance is stunned and angry at Honor’s death and is determined to avenge it. Its army was greatly expanded and the People’s Republic was ready to launch the offensive once more.

The war was about to enter an unprecedented phase of fierceness, and the Alliance was about to come to an end. The mighty Peep fleets rush to their goal, unaware neither they nor the Alliance are aware of the events taking place on a remote, isolated, inevitable prison planet known as Hell. For what no one knows, not even State Security, is that Honor Harrington is not dead yet.

She and some of her people are trapped in Hell, and are determined to refute Peep’s boast that no one can escape it. Honor Harrington will go home and take her people with her – even if she has to conquer Hell to do so.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_01 6969.65
  • 03. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_02 6969.65
  • 04. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_03 6969.65
  • 05. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_04 6969.65
  • 06. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_05 6969.65
  • 07. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_06 6969.65
  • 08. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_07 6969.65
  • 09. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_08 6969.65
  • 10. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_09 6969.65
  • 11. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_10 6969.65
  • 12. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_11 6969.65
  • 13. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_12 6969.65
  • 14. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_13 6969.65
  • 15. Echoes of Honor (Honor Harrington 8)_14 6969.44


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