Exhalation Stories – audiobook online
Exhalation is a literary fiction book by author Ted Chiang.
Exhalation by Ted Chiang is a collection of short stories that will make you think, grapple with big questions, and feel more human.
Ted Chiang tackles some of humanity’s oldest questions along with new puzzles that only he can imagine. In “Exhalation,” an alien scientist makes a shocking discovery with ramifications that are literally universal. In “Anxiety is the vertigo of freedom,” the ability to glimpse alternate universes requires a whole new examination of the concepts of choice and free will.
- Stories
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. 01 - Exhalation Stories-933282169 2997.27
- 03. 02 - Exhalation Stories-933282448 2994.93
- 04. 03 - Exhalation Stories-933282469 2993.84
- 05. 04 - Exhalation Stories-933282769 2999.74
- 06. 05 - Exhalation Stories-933282817 2992.72
- 07. 06 - Exhalation Stories-933282838 3000.29
- 08. 07 - Exhalation Stories-933282895 2991.78
- 09. 08 - Exhalation Stories-933282901 2996.23
- 10. 09 - Exhalation Stories-933282919 2997.35
- 11. 10 - Exhalation Stories-933282937 2995.5
- 12. 11 - Exhalation Stories-933282952 2997.71
- 13. 12 - Exhalation Stories-933282976 2992.9
- 14. 13 - Exhalation Stories-933282994 2998.26
- 15. 14 - Exhalation Stories-933283003 1930.32
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