Explosive Eighteen/ Stephanie Plum, Book 18 – Audiobook Online

Explosive Eighteen is the 18th mystery novel in the Stephanie Plum series by author Janet Evanovich.

Before Stephanie could step off Flight 127, Hawaii to Newark, her knee was in trouble. Her dream vacation has turned into a nightmare and she is flying back to New Jersey alone. Her seatmate never returned to the plane after L.A. quit her job. He died, in a dumpster, waiting for a pickup at the curb. His killer could be anyone. And a collection of thugs and psychopaths, not to mention the FBI, are all looking for the photo the dead man is believed to have carried.

Only one other person has seen the missing photo: Stephanie Plum. With the help of an FBI sketch artist, Stephanie recreated the person in the photograph. Unfortunately, the first sketch resembles Tom Cruise, and the second sketch resembles Ashton Kutcher. Until Stephanie can improve her description skills, she will need to follow her back.

At the bond underwriter, things are going from bad to worse. The bond bus that serves as Vinnie’s temporary headquarters smokes. Stephanie’s driver, Lula, loves their biggest skip yet. Longtime nemesis Joyce Barnhardt moves into Stephanie’s apartment. And everyone wants to know what happened in Hawaii.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum 18)_01 3731.31
  • 03. Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum 18)_02 3731.31
  • 04. Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum 18)_03 3731.31
  • 05. Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum 18)_04 3731.31
  • 06. Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum 18)_05 3731.31
  • 07. Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum 18)_06 3731.26


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