FIND HER ALIVE – Detective Josie Quinn Book 8 By Lisa Regan
The shocking discovery of her brother took Josie by surprise when she was unaware that her family’s existence in the previous novels. Her abusive mother was ample in her troubled life and now she has a sister to save. Trinity who happens to be Josie’s sister is a journalist whose career is on the verge of destruction. The girl is looking for a serious story that could boost her career. In her tense condition, Trinity had a harsh talk with her sister Josie after which she left the house. Now after several weeks, the girl is missing and no sign of her is yet to be found.
An appearance of a dead body takes Josie to the place where her sister was in the last scene. Josie is threatened that the dead body could be her missing sister. Luckily the test proves that it was someone else. But through clues, Josie gets the hint that her sister is also after the same criminal for the sake of a big story. During the process, Trinity is trying to present herself as bait to the one who creates sculptures by the bones of his victims. Author Lisa Regan and narrator Kate Handford put the foot on the accelerator now in the eighth book.
Her Silent Cry and Cold Heart Creek provided the agent some time to regroup herself. Here she cannot relax for a single second, the life of her sister is on the line and there is a chance that the next body could be Trinity. Josie cannot afford to lose another family member at the hands of a criminal now so she puts everything in the case.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Find Her Alive 001 12.356
- 03. Find Her Alive 002 319.974
- 04. Find Her Alive 003 555.572
- 05. Find Her Alive 004 2049.65
- 06. Find Her Alive 005 1003.15
- 07. Find Her Alive 006 373.316
- 08. Find Her Alive 007 344.973
- 09. Find Her Alive 008 641.332
- 10. Find Her Alive 009 746.188
- 11. Find Her Alive 010 675.866
- 12. Find Her Alive 011 201.038
- 13. Find Her Alive 012 623.935
- 14. Find Her Alive 013 996.676
- 15. Find Her Alive 014 589.505
- 16. Find Her Alive 015 608.522
- 17. Find Her Alive 016 292.206
- 18. Find Her Alive 017 1040.12
- 19. Find Her Alive 018 617.796
- 20. Find Her Alive 019 638.798
- 21. Find Her Alive 020 419.082
- 22. Find Her Alive 021 1358.21
- 23. Find Her Alive 022 591.229
- 24. Find Her Alive 023 1070.97
- 25. Find Her Alive 024 753.215
- 26. Find Her Alive 025 811.86
- 27. Find Her Alive 026 377.025
- 28. Find Her Alive 027 1000.07
- 29. Find Her Alive 028 221.701
- 30. Find Her Alive 029 731.664
- 31. Find Her Alive 030 508.473
- 32. Find Her Alive 031 584.176
- 33. Find Her Alive 032 1212.19
- 34. Find Her Alive 033 204.931
- 35. Find Her Alive 034 969.587
- 36. Find Her Alive 035 928.522
- 37. Find Her Alive 036 266.684
- 38. Find Her Alive 037 487.941
- 39. Find Her Alive 038 716.8
- 40. Find Her Alive 039 741.251
- 41. Find Her Alive 040 186.932
- 42. Find Her Alive 041 519.158
- 43. Find Her Alive 042 1042.44
- 44. Find Her Alive 043 1101.95
- 45. Find Her Alive 044 1506.95
- 46. Find Her Alive 045 242.547
- 47. Find Her Alive 046 937.979
- 48. Find Her Alive 047 1030.56
- 49. Find Her Alive 048 179.931
- 50. Find Her Alive 049 594.051
- 51. Find Her Alive 050 946.495
- 52. Find Her Alive 051 519.811
- 53. Find Her Alive 052 938.057
- 54. Find Her Alive 053 663.223
- 55. Find Her Alive 054 776.647
- 56. Find Her Alive 055 571.69
- 57. Find Her Alive 056 273.398
- 58. Find Her Alive 057 849.267
- 59. Find Her Alive 058 434.233
- 60. Find Her Alive 059 220.056
- 61. Find Her Alive 060 617.718
- 62. Find Her Alive 061 843.651
- 63. Find Her Alive 062 1107.28
- 64. Find Her Alive 063 574.224
- 65. Find Her Alive 064 526.524
- 66. Find Her Alive 065 926.302
- 67. Find Her Alive 066 20.297
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