Flag in Exile/ Honor Harrington, Book 5 – Audiobook Online
Flag in Exile is the fifth science fiction book in the Honor Harrington series by author David Weber.
Threatened with retirement and humiliated by political enemies, heartbroken by the murder of the man she loves.
Honor captain Harrington has retreated to the planet Grayson to take on the role of Keeper while she tries to heal her bitter heart.
The People’s Republic of Haven is rising from defeat to threaten Grayson once again, and the newborn Grayson Navy desperately needs her experience. A call Honor can’t refuse, but even as she once again accepts obligations with challenges she fears she won’t be able to meet again, powerful men hate and fear changes. The changes she brought to their world were determined to reverse them. They have a plan… and for it to work, Honor Harrington must die.
Two irresistible forces are rushing towards each other to crush Grayson between them. Only a woman uncertain of her abilities, tired to death, and marked for murder stands between her adopted planet and its devastation.
Flag in Exile
- Honor Harrington, Book 5
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_01 3614.48
- 03. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_02 3614.48
- 04. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_03 3614.48
- 05. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_04 3614.48
- 06. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_05 3614.48
- 07. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_06 3614.48
- 08. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_07 3614.48
- 09. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_08 3614.48
- 10. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_09 3614.48
- 11. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_10 3614.48
- 12. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_11 3614.48
- 13. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_12 3614.48
- 14. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_13 3614.48
- 15. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_14 3614.48
- 16. Flag in Exile (Honor Harrington 5)_15 3614.06
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