(Free Online Audiobook) Blink – The Power of Thinking Without Thinking By Malcolm Gladwell
Outstanding book about the behavior of strangers was produced by Malcolm Gladwell in the form of Talking to Strangers and now the author comes to another new idea. His ideas are always supported by certain theories and ideas of the past and thus the books leave an impression on every mind.
Though these ideas are usually not strong enough that they can act as a beacon house but at least they are food for thought. Quick decision making power happens to be the most powerful tool in the world of today.
Whoever makes quick decisions in business and other public affairs he gets rapid progress within no time and time wasted in thinking is like a chance wasted in the fast paced world. But the question that emerges in the mind here is that how people are able to make such quick decisions. They are able to judge the situation in just split of a second.
Mostly it is up to the instincts that are developed in people over the years. Because of their link to a particular thing for a long time. A teacher can judge a student by just conversation only, similarly a psychologist can tell about a person’s mental issue by just talking to him and a soldier can smell danger.
This quick decision making through the help of instincts is unexplainable. Because there is no proper logic behind these decisions that are taken in a blink. Such people can easily guess about the election results and also can tell you where to invest and when, the decisions are almost correct every time and it is very rare that such people make mistakes.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Malcolm Gladwell - Blink CD1 3967.95
- 03. Malcolm Gladwell - Blink CD2 3915.34
- 04. Malcolm Gladwell - Blink CD3 4069.77
- 05. Malcolm Gladwell - Blink CD4 3920.09
- 06. Malcolm Gladwell - Blink CD5 4041.85
- 07. Malcolm Gladwell - Blink CD6 3838.43
- 08. Malcolm Gladwell - Blink CD7 4110.03
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