(Free Online Audiobook) The Oracle – A Sam and Remi Fargo Adventure Book 11 By Clive Cussler & Robin Burcell
The Oracle is the 11th novel in the Sam and Remi Fargo Adventure series by Clive Cussler and Robin Burcell. Sam and Remi Farg couple return with a new session with the quest to find the ancient scroll – which carries a curse of death. The prophet told the king that a high priestess had placed a curse on the Vandal kingdom.
Finding the old paper is difficult. The Fargo couple investigates and deal with criminal gangs, they take the students hostage. The Fargo couple mission quickly captured the bandits, saved the schoolchildren and searched for the ancient scroll to break the curse of death.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. The Oracle Part 1 4188.92
- 03. The Oracle Part 2 4385.44
- 04. The Oracle Part 3 4415.74
- 05. The Oracle Part 4 4177.76
- 06. The Oracle Part 05 2961.06
- 07. The Oracle Part 6 3716.15
- 08. The Oracle Part 7 3260.68
- 09. The Oracle Part 8 4068.18
- 10. The Oracle Part 9 3753.12
- 11. The Oracle Part 10 2632.07
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