(Full Audiobook Free) Slims Good bye – Hank the Cowdog Book 34 By John R. Erickson

Slim’s Good-bye is the 34th book in the Hank the Cowdog series by John R. Erickson. Hank’s companions are looking for a new home, people will leave the farm. Slim is looking for a new job in a strange town. And Hank knows that he’s no longer the head of farm security.


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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Slim's Good - Bye Hank The Cowdog Section 1 1800.02
  • 03. Slim's Good - Bye Hank The Cowdog Section 2 1800.02
  • 04. Slim's Good - Bye Hank The Cowdog Section 3 1800.02
  • 05. Slim's Good - Bye Hank The Cowdog Section 4 1800.02
  • 06. Slim's Good - Bye Hank The Cowdog Section 5 1800.02
  • 07. Slim's Good - Bye Hank The Cowdog Section 6 1147.9

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