Full Audiobook – The Bride Collector By Ted Dekker

This is a novel related to the murder The Bride Collector only has clues that the bridal curtain is different from other books. It seems that the person who murdered a woman for some pleasure, he had nothing to kill. Brad Raines is a famous agent, he will investigate and find the culprit, now not only one woman but many women murdered.

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0.75 Speed
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1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. The Bride Collector 01 of 12 4351.32
  • 03. The Bride Collector 02 of 12 4015.7
  • 04. The Bride Collector 03 of 12 4220.6
  • 05. The Bride Collector 04 of 12 4055.8
  • 06. The Bride Collector 05 of 12 3735.67
  • 07. The Bride Collector 06 of 12 3752.73
  • 08. The Bride Collector 07 of 12 4149.26
  • 09. The Bride Collector 08 of 12 4022.78
  • 10. The Bride Collector 09 of 12 4286.72
  • 11. The Bride Collector 10 of 12 4427.26
  • 12. The Bride Collector 11 of 12 4166.45
  • 13. The Bride Collector 12 of 12 4304.93

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