God-Level Knowledge Darts – Audiobook Online

God-Level Knowledge Darts is a social science book by Desus, Mero author.
The book’s content features a wild, hilarious guide to life from hit late-night hosts Desus & Mero and podcast Bodega Boys.

After a fateful meeting at Bronx summer school in the 1990s, will Desus and Mero turn their friendship into a talking empire?
They wrote the most important life guide of this century, all the important questions being asked: How do I talk to my kids about drugs if I do too? What is the morality of ghosting in a relationship? How do I bet on sports? How should I behave in prison? How much is too much to spend on sneakers?
We want to share everything we’ve learned, after years of living on the streets of the Bronx.

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0.75 Speed
Normal Speed
1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. God-Level-Knowledge-Darts-Life-Lessons-From-The-Bronx-000 5384.75
  • 03. God-Level-Knowledge-Darts-Life-Lessons-From-The-Bronx-001 5384.75
  • 04. God-Level-Knowledge-Darts-Life-Lessons-From-The-Bronx-002 5384.75
  • 05. God-Level-Knowledge-Darts-Life-Lessons-From-The-Bronx-003 1509.52


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