Grendel By: John Gardner – Online Free Audiobook

Grendel is a literary fiction book by author John Gardner.
The first epic book in English literature, the result is a work that combines extensive knowledge with a series of purely magical pleasures.

Gardner, instead of praising the helmeted hero, Beowulf, the spotlight fell on Grendel, a monstrous and bloodthirsty monster that condemned him to the life of an outlaw. the law. Grendel is a terrible, gluttonous monster that devours warriors in the corridors of Danish grasslands guarded by Beowulf. Inside Grendel lurks a soul that enjoys dark humour, dramatic pranks, and jokes. Both young and adult listeners will revel with this powerful addition to a classic story.
George Guidall masterfully impersonates a grumbling mother’s boy with sly humor and tragic grandeur. Never misquote, he maintains the perfect balance between rawness and poetry to the point of making us laugh.

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