Book two from the wizarding world of J.K Rowling takes us once again to Hogwarts School where Harry Potter and his friend rejoin forces for another year under the supervision of a brilliant principal. However this time an evil plot lurks on the young Harry right from the beginning as he never gets the letters of his friends and then accidently misses the train to Hogwarts that costs him and his friend a lot.

The most terrible things start to happen at Hogwarts as the chamber of secrets has been opened once again and no one knows what evil it could bring for the whole of the wizard world however one thing is for sure i.e mud bloods are going to face these terrible things as the dark lord wants their blood for his own emergence.

Harry along with Ron goes on a mission of a lifetime, ignoring the advice of Dobby that he should not return to the school. Harry once again emerges as a hero as in this second year he once again shows his true colors by stopping the dark lord from coming back into the world of flesh and blood.

The plot of the story is excellent and also the characters of Dobby and the introduction of the flying car make the story more appealing for the children who like magical creatures and things. Jim Dale’s narration is brilliant and the slowly climbing voice of the narrator really adds the spooky feeling that is so much important in such type of stories.

The story moves slowly towards the climax and there is no sudden up and downs in the story. We can read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Book 1 along with this part as this second part lacks details about who Harry is and why he is so much closely attached to Ron’s family.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 01 950.92
  • 03. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 02 1073.16
  • 04. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 03 1601.8
  • 05. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 04 2151.36
  • 06. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 05 1987.61
  • 07. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 06 1740.05
  • 08. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 07 1693.18
  • 09. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 08 1764.94
  • 10. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 09 2025.72
  • 11. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 10 1956.15
  • 12. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 11 2261.11
  • 13. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 12 1971.25
  • 14. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 13 2054.75
  • 15. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 14 1506.54
  • 16. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 15 1785.84
  • 17. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 16 2177.56
  • 18. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 17 2182.47
  • 19. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 18 1639.49
  • 20. Harry Potter Book 2 - JimDalee - Chapter 19 1339.84

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