He Who Walks in Shadow (Full Audiobook) By Brett J. Talley
He Who Walks in Shadow is a book about mysterious deaths and horror murders. Mr. Carter Weston and his murdered friend, daughter of carter Rachel Jones go to the woods, catacombs in Paris to investigate the strange murders, find out and kill his father. The story is very interesting, many unexpected situations, invite readers to follow.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 1 3000.03
- 03. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 2 3000.03
- 04. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 3 3000.03
- 05. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 4 3000.03
- 06. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 5 3000.03
- 07. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 6 3000.03
- 08. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 7 3000.03
- 09. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 8 3000.03
- 10. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 9 3000.03
- 11. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 10 3000.03
- 12. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 11 3000.03
- 13. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 12 3000.03
- 14. Brett J Talley - He Who Walks In Shadow Section 13 830.38
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