Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box – Audiobook Online

Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box is a great book by the author of The Arbinger Institute.
Leadership and Self-Deception uses an entertaining story everyone can associate with a man facing challenges at work and at home to expose the fascinating ways we do ourselves. blind ourselves to our true motives and unwittingly sabotage the effectiveness of our own efforts to achieve happiness and increase happiness. . We lock ourselves in a “box” of endless self-justification.
Listeners will discover what millions have learned – how to consistently approach and act on their innate sense of what’s right, dramatically improving all of their relationships .

This third edition includes new research on the self-deception gap in organizations and the key to closing it. The author offers guidance on how to assess modern and out-of-the-box thinking in yourself and in your organization. It also includes an example of Arbinger’s latest bestseller, Thinking Extraverted.

This book makes it easy to identify with the main character in the story and see how leaders should be better. It makes obvious cases that show how wrong so many people are when dealing with others. Our home, our business, and our communities could be so much better if everyone would read and apply what is taught in this book…

And there it is, the outward looking, face of self deception. If you are reading this book to change others it will not have a happy ending. If you read this book ready to discover that you are hiding in a box, deceived and blaming others for you lack of true leadership, then this book will change your life.

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0.75 Speed
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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. 001 - Leadership and Self-Deception 408.169
  • 03. 002 - Leadership and Self-Deception 370.131
  • 04. 003 - Leadership and Self-Deception 358.114
  • 05. 004 - Leadership and Self-Deception 778.151
  • 06. 005 - Leadership and Self-Deception 444.117
  • 07. 006 - Leadership and Self-Deception 1094.19
  • 08. 007 - Leadership and Self-Deception 1158.19
  • 09. 008 - Leadership and Self-Deception 842.158
  • 10. 009 - Leadership and Self-Deception 676.159
  • 11. 010 - Leadership and Self-Deception 392.128
  • 12. 011 - Leadership and Self-Deception 302.102
  • 13. 012 - Leadership and Self-Deception 756.154
  • 14. 013 - Leadership and Self-Deception 956.167
  • 15. 014 - Leadership and Self-Deception 1072.19
  • 16. 015 - Leadership and Self-Deception 1506.23
  • 17. 016 - Leadership and Self-Deception 430.114
  • 18. 017 - Leadership and Self-Deception 696.145
  • 19. 018 - Leadership and Self-Deception 396.126
  • 20. 019 - Leadership and Self-Deception 572.13
  • 21. 020 - Leadership and Self-Deception 306.125
  • 22. 021 - Leadership and Self-Deception 1042.2
  • 23. 022 - Leadership and Self-Deception 1082.19
  • 24. 023 - Leadership and Self-Deception 1180.19
  • 25. 024 - Leadership and Self-Deception 408.117
  • 26. 025 - Leadership and Self-Deception 850.178
  • 27. 026 - Leadership and Self-Deception 894.225
  • 28. 027 - Leadership and Self-Deception 1344.2
  • 29. 028 - Leadership and Self-Deception 1348.28
  • 30. 029 - Leadership and Self-Deception 22.0996


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