Life as a Unicorn – Audiobook Online

Life as a Unicorn is a beautiful book by Amrou Al-Kadhi.
A hilarious memoir about the author’s battle to be true to himself.
Amrou learned they were gay when, at the age of 10, they first saw Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone. It’s lightning love. Amrou’s parents weren’t very happy.

Amrou began searching in all the wrong places for a way to mend their divided selves. Life as a Unicorn is a hilarious yet devastating story about the quest for belonging that follows the painful and surprising process of transforming from a God-fearing Muslim boy into a strange drag queen. , striding across the stage in seven-inch heels and saying things like no other.

Amrou captivated me from the very first page with its description of a performance in Edinburgh – I can see the succinctness and imagine the pangs of seeing Muslim women in the front row.
The author’s intelligence is reflected in his thoughtful writing style through expressive language and description.
The book is open and honest with Amrou working so hard to help the reader understand the issues that are being tackled on a daily basis. I have nothing but admiration for the way Amrou has dealt with their problems throughout their lives.
I learned a lot from this book and it made me think very deeply about conflict between different cultures. Some very in-depth analysis here but it’s all done with a light touch that makes the book easy to read and pleasant.

The relationship in general seems good so it feels like Amrou seems shy to mention things that have positively affected him.
Throughout most of the book there is a high level of drama and tension and I permeated it – to the point where the author begins to delve into the end of the book.
The book made me think about the cultural pressures placed on so many people, how people challenge them, and the effect that has on the people around them.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Unicorn-The-Memoir-of-a-Muslim-Drag-Queen-000 3593.19
  • 03. Unicorn-The-Memoir-of-a-Muslim-Drag-Queen-001 3593.16
  • 04. Unicorn-The-Memoir-of-a-Muslim-Drag-Queen-002 3593.19
  • 05. Unicorn-The-Memoir-of-a-Muslim-Drag-Queen-003 3593.16
  • 06. Unicorn-The-Memoir-of-a-Muslim-Drag-Queen-004 3593.19
  • 07. Unicorn-The-Memoir-of-a-Muslim-Drag-Queen-005 3593.16
  • 08. Unicorn-The-Memoir-of-a-Muslim-Drag-Queen-006 3593.19
  • 09. Unicorn-The-Memoir-of-a-Muslim-Drag-Queen-007 1962.69


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