Live Without Regret/ A Touch of Fate, Book 3 – Online Free Audiobook

Live Without Regret is the third love book in the A Touch of Fate series by author By: K.L. Grayson.
How can those four letters cause so much pain? Everyone talks about how wonderful love is, with all the flowers and butterflies, but that was not my experience at all. Love is not something I want or even need.

I have a sweat, tears and blood t-shirt to prove it.

The jagged edges of a wounded heart tell the story of my past, but just because I swore not to love, doesn’t mean I don’t like men. Few things feel better than being entangled in a rigid body. Holding hands, moans of delight, and happy sighs are all part of a balanced diet, as long as there are no strings attached.

Wild, crazy sex – yes.

Love – hell no.

But then Connor Jackson came into my life.

He’s the complete opposite of my ex.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Live-Without-Regret-A-Touch-of-Fate-3-000 5250.39
  • 03. Live-Without-Regret-A-Touch-of-Fate-3-001 5252.16
  • 04. Live-Without-Regret-A-Touch-of-Fate-3-002 2425.4


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