No Time To Run – Audiobook Online

No Time To Run (Legal Thriller Featuring Michael Collins) 

Paperback – June 1, 2013

By J. D. Trafford (Author)

Like John Grisham and D.W. Buffa, award-winning author J.D. Trafford has crafted a clever legal thriller that leaves the reader turning the pages. Michael Collins burned his suits and ties in a beautiful campfire before leaving New York and taking up residence at Cabin 7 in a rundown Mexican resort. He dropped out of school, giving up the future of billable hours and generous law firm salaries. But, there are millions of dollars missing in customer accounts and a lot of people want Michael Collins back. When his girlfriend is accused of murder, he learns that there really isn’t much of a choice. “No Time To Run” entered Amazon’s Top 100 Best Sellers and is Amazon’s best-selling legal thriller.

I debated whether or not to write a review for this book as so many others have written and pretty much said what I’m going to say – very much like the early Grisham with great characters and plot. and move in the right direction. But I decided to write because I enjoyed the book so much and the author deserves to hear it. There are a few grammatical errors but they don’t bother me at all. Who cares if there are a few misspelled words when you can’t wait to read to the end of the chapter to see what happens next? Definitely hope the author reads this and is working on more books. I got this for free but would definitely pay more for this author.

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