Overtaken/ The Warrior Chronicles, Book 6 – Free Online

Overtaken is a literary fiction book by author K.F. Breen.
Reunited with her people, Shanti knows she must act to finally fulfill her duty. But as always, Xandre is one step ahead of her.

In a brief moment, when caught off guard, Shanti fell into enemy hands. But if Xandre thought she would be an obedient prisoner, he was sadly mistaken.

With Shanti’s intervention, the boys she trained and the Cayan army led must fight for their place.

The fate of the land will ultimately be decided. Which side will be overtaken?

This is the last book of the Warrior Chronicles. I’ve finished more than half of the book with mixed emotions feeling that I’m stalling because I don’t want to finish and say goodbye to Shanti and her team, on the other hand, I can’t wait to see how it plays out. end.
I can say that this is an absolutely amazing series. The story development is very logical, consistent and extremely suspenseful. There’s romance but it’s not the focus of the story in the sense that it takes over the whole series. On the other hand, it is the focus of the story, talking about them as a pair, a pair and a team. Shanti and Cayan. The story is about them, but they are not isolated from the rest of the world. There are a lot of characters, important figures and K.F. Breene is developing them with story.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Overtaken-The-Warrior-Chronicles-6-000 5394.77
  • 03. Overtaken-The-Warrior-Chronicles-6-001 5394.37
  • 04. Overtaken-The-Warrior-Chronicles-6-002 5394.55
  • 05. Overtaken-The-Warrior-Chronicles-6-003 5394.72
  • 06. Overtaken-The-Warrior-Chronicles-6-004 5394.77
  • 07. Overtaken-The-Warrior-Chronicles-6-005 1065.73


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