Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan – Audiobook Online
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan
- Narrated by: Marc Thompson
There’s something out there: An evil force is descending to crush the Republic – unless a lone Jedi, shunned and vilified, can stop it.
Revan: Hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior. A Jedi has left Coruscant to defeat the Palestinians – and return a disciple of the dark side, plotting to destroy the Republic. The Jedi Council returned Revan’s life, but the price to atone was high. His memory has been erased. All that remains are nightmares – and deep, nagging fear.
What exactly happened outside the Outer Ring? Revan couldn’t remember it well, but he couldn’t completely forget it either. Somehow, he stumbles upon a terrible secret that threatens the very existence of the Republic. Without knowing what it was or how to stop it, Revan most likely failed, as he had never faced a more powerful and insidious enemy. But only death can stop him from trying.
Revan is the best character overall. The Sith protagonist, Lord Scourge, is also well represented, but my curiosity continues to point towards the duality of the light side/dark side or Revan. I should note that the author did a great job with all the characters. I just wish the author had spent more time on Revan’s story and abilities.
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- 04. 03 - Star Wars The Old Republic Revan-954347254 3906.46
- 05. 04 - Star Wars The Old Republic Revan-954347251 3906.46
- 06. 05 - Star Wars The Old Republic Revan-954347248 3906.46
- 07. 06 - Star Wars The Old Republic Revan-954347236 3906.46
- 08. 07 - Star Wars The Old Republic Revan-954347224 3906.46
- 09. 08 - Star Wars The Old Republic Revan-954347215 3906.46
- 10. 09 - Star Wars The Old Republic Revan-954347185 3906.46
- 11. 10 - Star Wars The Old Republic Revan-954347182 3906.28
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