Surrender to Me/ Wicked Lovers, Book 4
Surrender to Me is a beautiful book by author Shayla Black.
A Navy SEAL accepts a tempting offer: share a friend’s girlfriend and fulfill her dream of a man. But after meeting Kata, he needed more than one night. He wants her to be his own – a guilty secret turns into a dangerous fantasy.
The book is called “Surrender to Me” and that’s exactly what the entire book is about. The hunter tries to get Kata to surrender to him.
I find D/s’ books fascinating and Shayla Black definitely brings a lot of heat in this book.
I understand the characters very well. Hunter is an alpha male and needs to be a Dom in the bedroom, however Kata has a lot of qualms about being… moreKata Munoz and the book by Hunter Edgington.
I’ve read the entire series, and although I liked the previous three, they didn’t quite appeal to me, for reasons belonging to other reviews. Not the case of ‘Surrender me’. The first part left me a bit confused, the theme of lightning love and quick marriage made me wonder if I would enjoy the novel, but reading a few chapters was well worth it. Hunter’s motivations were clearly explained and full of emotion that made it work.
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