The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline – Audiobook Online

  • The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline
  • By Nancy Springer
  • Enola Holmes Book 5

Edgar Award-winning author Nancy Springer captivates younger listeners with mysteries about Sherlock Holmes’ sister, Enola. Abandoned by her mother and fearing her brothers would banish her to a finishing school, 14-year-old Enola lives a lonely life in London. But when someone kidnaps her elderly landlady – the closest thing she has in the household these days – the feisty heroine will do whatever it takes to find her.

*”Enola shows herself to be an intelligent, rational, resourceful, and brave protagonist. Readers will look forward to hearing this heroine’s unique voice again.” – Publishers Weekly, starred review

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. The-Case-Of-The-Cryptic-Crinoline-Enola-Holmes-5-000 5251.97
  • 03. The-Case-Of-The-Cryptic-Crinoline-Enola-Holmes-5-001 5252.02
  • 04. The-Case-Of-The-Cryptic-Crinoline-Enola-Holmes-5-002 423.335


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