The Case of the Fiddle-Playing Fox (Full Audiobook) Book 12 by John R. Erickson
The Case of the Fiddle-Playing Fox is the 12th book in the Hank the Cowdog series by John R. Erickson. This is a favorite series for children about Hank’s funny, interesting session. This time Hank had to meet the fox invading the farm with a stick. Can Hank chase that guy out to his happy farm?
Audiobookss audio player
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0.75 Speed
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1.5 Speed
- 01. welcome 8
- 02. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 1 540.029
- 03. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 2 540.029
- 04. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 3 540.029
- 05. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 4 540.029
- 06. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 5 540.029
- 07. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 6 540.029
- 08. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 7 540.029
- 09. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 8 540.029
- 10. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 9 540.029
- 11. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 10 540.029
- 12. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 11 540.029
- 13. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 12 540.029
- 14. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 13 540.029
- 15. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 14 540.029
- 16. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 15 540.029
- 17. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 16 256.862
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