The Dark Secret By Tui T. Sutherland – Audiobook Online

The story of Wings of Fire continues with a visit to the mysterious land of NightWings, where Starflight is faced with a terrible choice – his home, or his friends?

The destined dragons are on their way to meet the NightWings – and Starflight doesn’t need her superpowers to know things won’t go well.

Starflight knows that his mission as a NightWing is to convince the other dragons to choose Blister as queen. But he can’t help but feel that there’s something Morrowseer and the other NightWings aren’t telling him, something that could put his friends in grave danger. While the other NightWings have the power to help them, Starflight must rely on his brains – and with the SkyWings chasing them and the Burn Queen tailing them, that may not be enough.

This book is so good. If you read this series I recommend going in order. But totally read theses. They are interesting and engaging.

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