The Dawn of Unions – Audiobook Online

Kaith knows he’s luckier than most. Born into a family of blacksmiths, he is grateful that hard work and fortune have given him a place as a gunsmith in the service of the countess. But when he and her entourage go to an annual merry festival, the young man is shocked to find the village besieged, cursed… and the knights of Her Ladyship slaughtered.

Taking refuge in the now helpless town, Kaith feels unworthy as he and his teammates are tasked with repelling diabolical enemies. But when the force that turns back is an army of familiar faces with undead malice, he fears that his small army will soon join their ranks.

Faced with rampant terror with little hope, will Kaith be able to stop the darkness from snatching away anyone still standing?

The Dawn of Unions is the first book in the dark military fantasy series Cycle of Bones. If you like unlikely heroes, realistic battles, and fights for survival, then you’ll love JP Corwyn’s gritty novel.

I read the book first which was really good but the narrated version is even better. If you are into this genre you will most certainly enjoy this story

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