The Emperor (Morland Dynasty, Book 11) – Audiobook Online

“The Emperor” is the eleventh book in the Morland Dynasty series by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles. It follows the story of the Morlands, a wealthy English family, from 1795 to 1815. The book focuses on the life of James Morland, who rises to the rank of Emperor Napoleon’s trusted advisor and diplomat. As James navigates the tumultuous political landscape of Europe, he must also confront personal challenges in his personal life, including the breakdown of his marriage and his complicated relationships with various women. The book explores themes of ambition, loyalty, love, and betrayal against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars.

1795: Bonaparte’s shadow covers Europe and touches every member of the distant Morland family. As the century draws to an end, Jemima Morland wearily admits that her life is coming to an end, too, but she finds no peace as her unpredictable children behave increasingly inscrutable: her marriage James with Mary Ann almost broke up; Lucy’s favorable marriage is in balance – her affair with Lieutenant Watson is a public scandal; Mary gave birth to a daughter on her husband’s ship during the battle of the Nile; and William supported a mistress whose marriage could not be broken.

Jemima’s death seems to have brought the family together but, as always with Morlands, the future holds more danger than hope.

Reading the Dynasty series many years ago I had full eyesight and thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the characters.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_01 4932.55
  • 03. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_02 4932.49
  • 04. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_03 4932.49
  • 05. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_04 4932.49
  • 06. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_05 4932.49
  • 07. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_06 4932.49
  • 08. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_07 4932.49
  • 09. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_08 4932.49
  • 10. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_09 4932.49
  • 11. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_10 4932.49
  • 12. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_11 4932.49
  • 13. Emperor (Morland Dynasty 11)_12 4931.3


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