The Eye of the World (Full Audiobook) Book One of The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
Kate Reading and Michael Kramer join forces for the narration of another masterpiece by Robert Jordan. “Wheel of Time” series has no doubt been one of Jordan’s famous works. The whole climate of the novels is just awesome, especially the weather conditions are always severe adding to the intensity. The series is base on ages as one age vanishes and the new takes its place leaving dim traces of the previous one.
The legends are born and then they disappear into nothingness, all of a sudden we see the rebirth or the revival of the age as well when we totally have forgotten about the myths of that age as well. This part starts with the age of prophecy something that could be seen in New Spring as well in which the prophecy about a child comes true at the climax.
The war is still upon the people which not a new thing as it has been one of the basic components of the tale, the war between the Two Rivers and Trollocs give rise to a catastrophe that becomes a death sentence for both. The evil forces are awakened once again as creatures who are half men and half beasts come to the land to get what they once lost.
Five villages from the underworld reach the surface through the passage that was created as a result of Trollocs attacks and now is the moment to pay for it. The novel has horrible killing and slaughtering scenes and no sign of romance can be found at any stage. It’s just the shadows that we see covering the land in their gloominess.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. The Eye of the World - Prologue - Dragonmount 1104.93
- 03. The Eye of the World - Chapter 01/53 - An Empty Road 2442.73
- 04. The Eye of the World - Chapter 02/53 - Strangers 1713.79
- 05. The Eye of the World - Chapter 03/53 - The Peddler 1829.73
- 06. The Eye of the World - Chapter 04/53 - The Gleeman 2111.31
- 07. The Eye of the World - Chapter 05/53 - Winternight 2361.66
- 08. The Eye of the World - Chapter 06/53 - The Westwood 1112.08
- 09. The Eye of the World - Chapter 07/53 - Out of the Woods 1936.32
- 10. The Eye of the World - Chapter 08/53 - A Place of Safety 2135.74
- 11. The Eye of the World - Chapter 09/53 - Tellings of the Wheel 2513.5
- 12. The Eye of the World - Chapter 10/53 - Leavetaking 1345.09
- 13. The Eye of the World - Chapter 11/53 - The Road to Taren Ferry 1195.11
- 14. The Eye of the World - Chapter 12/53 - Across the Taren 1821.87
- 15. The Eye of the World - Chapter 13/53 - Choices 2488.47
- 16. The Eye of the World - Chapter 14/53 - The Stag and Lion 2132.52
- 17. The Eye of the World - Chapter 15/53 - Strangers and Friends 3229.72
- 18. The Eye of the World - Chapter 16/53 - The Wisdom 1542.47
- 19. The Eye of the World - Chapter 17/53 - Watchers and Hunters 2372.01
- 20. The Eye of the World - Chapter 18/53 - The Caemlyn Road 2008.64
- 21. The Eye of the World - Chapter 19/53 - Shadow's Waiting 2599.53
- 22. The Eye of the World - Chapter 20/53 - Dust on the Wind 2708.39
- 23. The Eye of the World - Chapter 21/53 - Listen to the Wind 1846.77
- 24. The Eye of the World - Chapter 22/53 - A Path Chosen 801.459
- 25. The Eye of the World - Chapter 23/53 - Wolfbrother 2255.86
- 26. The Eye of the World - Chapter 24/53 - Flight Down the Arinelle 1913.05
- 27. The Eye of the World - Chapter 25/53 - The Traveling People 2330.63
- 28. The Eye of the World - Chapter 26/53 - Whitebridge 3161.66
- 29. The Eye of the World - Chapter 27/53 - Shelter From the Storm 1766.07
- 30. The Eye of the World - Chapter 28/53 - Footprints in Air 1149.99
- 31. The Eye of the World - Chapter 29/53 - Eyes Without Pity 2203.16
- 32. The Eye of the World - Chapter 30/53 - Children of Shadow 2327.94
- 33. The Eye of the World - Chapter 31/53 - Play for Your Supper 1512.71
- 34. The Eye of the World - Chapter 32/53 - Four Kings in Shadow 2700.43
- 35. The Eye of the World - Chapter 33/53 - The Dark Waits 3590.11
- 36. The Eye of the World - Chapter 34/53 - The Last Village 2011.54
- 37. The Eye of the World - Chapter 35/53 - Caemlyn 1864.14
- 38. The Eye of the World - Chapter 36/53 - Web of the Pattern 2146.24
- 39. The Eye of the World - Chapter 37/53 - The Long Chase 1130.08
- 40. The Eye of the World - Chapter 38/53 - Rescue 2165.57
- 41. The Eye of the World - Chapter 39/53 - Weaving of the Web 1538.7
- 42. The Eye of the World - Chapter 40/53 - The Web Tightens 3453.63
- 43. The Eye of the World - Chapter 41/53 - Old Friends and New Threats 2062.35
- 44. The Eye of the World - Chapter 43/53 - Decisions and Apparitions 1928.64
- 45. The Eye of the World - Chapter 44/53 - The Dark along the Ways 1878.98
- 46. The Eye of the World - Chapter 45/53 - What Follows in Shadow 1993.72
- 47. The Eye of the World - Chapter 46/53 - Fal Dara 2561.47
- 48. The Eye of the World - Chapter 47/53 - More Tales of the Wheel 1936.48
- 49. The Eye of the World - Chapter 48/53 - The Blight 1673.25
- 50. The Eye of the World - Chapter 49/53 - The Dark One Stirs 1294.46
- 51. The Eye of the World - Chapter 50/53 - Meetings at the Eye 1666.19
- 52. The Eye of the World - Chapter 51/53 - Against the Shadow 1362.05
- 53. The Eye of the World - Chapter 52/53 - There Is Neither Beginning Nor End 1480.24
- 54. The Eye of the World - Chapter 53/53 - The Wheel Turns 1219.67
- 55. The Eye of the World - Interview with Robert Jordan 385.08
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