The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts – Full Audiobook By Gary Chapman

Gary Chapman puts forward his one of a kind book full of love languages, languages according to the good doctor are not those we receive from the forefathers. Language means an expression of though and sometimes it does not need words to be uttered from the mouth.

The expressions and behavior can portray the emotions with minimal effort. Such gestures are always true because they act like a reflex action i.e an outburst of feeling without any control or plan.

Relations between partners can be understood better if they have an appeal for each other and fully concentrate on the expressions and the impression in their way of looking at each other. Marriages can be saved and before marriage the couple can understand each other in a better way if they just try to feel the likes and dislikes of their partners.

According to the author love can be received only if you are ready to give it first to the other and you will get it as a reflection in the mirror. As it is obvious that the mirror will only smile to you if you smile at it first, it is your own happy feelings that you get in return after giving it the one you want to get love from. Such practice can be done among relations other than marriage, like parents’ relations with children.

Although this is not the topic included in the book, these love languages can apply to any relationship and success is guaranteed. Gary’s voice moves slow with the progress of the book and the author has given us a time to think and rethink in this way.


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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Ch 1-What Happens To Love After The Wedding? 552.516
  • 03. Ch 2-Keeping The Love Tank Full 550.269
  • 04. Ch 3-Falling In Love 895.974
  • 05. Ch 4-Love Language #1:Words Of Affirmation 859.402
  • 06. Ch 5-Love Language #2:Quality Time 868.284
  • 07. Ch 6-Love Language #3:Receiving Gifts 850.625
  • 08. Ch 7-Love Language #4:Acts Of Service 806.06
  • 09. Ch 8-Love Language #5:Physical Touch 609.515
  • 10. Ch 9-Discovering Your Primary Love Language 620.121
  • 11. Ch 10-Love Is A Choice 778.945
  • 12. Ch 11-Love Makes The Difference 603.768
  • 13. Ch 12-Loving The Unlovely 984.79
  • 14. Ch 13-Children And Love Languages 590.968
  • 15. Ch 14-A Personal Word 150.7

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