The Gossamer Mage – Audiobook Online
The Gossamer Mage
- Narrated by: Lesley Livingston
From an Aurora Award-winning author comes a new fantasy epic in which a shaman must fight the Immortal Goddess who controls all magic.
Only in Tananen did people worship a single god: the Goddess of Immortality. Only in this small, forbidden kingdom are there people who are obsessed with words of no language known to women or men. The words are her Gift, and they summon magic.
Shamanic scribes learn to write Her words as intended: spells to create beasts or trees, designed for any purpose. If an intention isn’t perfect, then what a mage creates is just bullshit: a magical creature that is both wild and free, yet very costly to the mage.
For Her Gift has a high price tag. Every successful intention causes the magician to age until they dare no longer. But her magic needs to be used; The Immortal Goddess will take her fee, and the mages will die.
To put an end to this terrible consequence, the greatest magician in Tananen vowed to find and destroy Her. He still doesn’t know She is all that protects Tananen from what awaits outside. And all of that keeps the magic alive.
I really enjoy when an author takes a fresh approach to old concepts! Writing magic to bring it to life is a great example of this. I love the details of the lens and the ink. I love Julie and am a big fan, I read everything she wrote. I can never have enough. I hope she lives forever and writes for an eternity.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. The-Gossamer-Mage-000 5384.75
- 03. The-Gossamer-Mage-001 5384.75
- 04. The-Gossamer-Mage-002 5384.75
- 05. The-Gossamer-Mage-003 5384.72
- 06. The-Gossamer-Mage-004 5384.75
- 07. The-Gossamer-Mage-005 5384.75
- 08. The-Gossamer-Mage-006 5384.75
- 09. The-Gossamer-Mage-007 5384.72
- 10. The-Gossamer-Mage-008 1195.89
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