The Great Hunt (Full Audiobook) Book Two of The Wheel Of Time by Robert Jordan
Whenever the Wheel of Time moves a certain age, era or race is reawakened and with it comes destruction for the current human race. This time it’s the age of the great hunters that come to the scene. People have heard about the legends and myths of great hunters and the hunt of the horn but never did they think of seeing those legends for real. The hunters are awoken by the legendary horn of Valere, a horn that was supposed to be a legend of the past.
That has been the trend of Robert Jordan’s work, he picks something from the past a folk tale or supernatural force and then paints it into a real thing in coordination with the present scenario. Another interesting thing about the novel is that each hero has a story of his own and is attached to a certain legend that was thought to be a myth in the current era.
Now the myths become reality and it does not prove to be a good reality for the people of the century as they are slaughtered like hell. We have never seen such a mixture of tales in a novel before, not even in this series as we go through The Eye of the World and The Great Hunt and other books like that. The narration is well equipped once again by the two marvelous voices of Kate Reading and Michael Kramer.
Both of these narrators have contributed a lot in the series. Their voices have now become a permanent part of the whole series and one cannot imagine any part without their voices involved.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. The Great Hunt - Prologue - In the Shadow 2114.08
- 03. The Great Hunt - Chapter 01/50 - The Flame of Tar Valon 1538.26
- 04. The Great Hunt - Chapter 03/50 - Friends and Enemies 3028.19
- 05. The Great Hunt - Chapter 05/50 - The Shadow in Shienar 2909.24
- 06. The Great Hunt - Chapter 06/50 - Dark Prophecy 2601.07
- 07. The Great Hunt - Chapter 07/50 - Blood Calls Blood 2520.9
- 08. The Great Hunt - Chapter 08/50 - The Dragon Reborn 3521.37
- 09. The Great Hunt - Chapter 09/50 - Leavetakings 2880.79
- 10. The Great Hunt - Chapter 10/50 - The Hunt Begins 3066.3
- 11. The Great Hunt - Chapter 11/50 - Glimmers of the Pattern 1656.81
- 12. The Great Hunt - Chapter 12/50 - Woven in the Pattern 2162.49
- 13. The Great Hunt - Chapter 13/50 - From Stone to Stone 1238.58
- 14. The Great Hunt - Chapter 14/50 - Wolfbrother 1320.95
- 15. The Great Hunt - Chapter 15/50 - Kinslayer 1790.65
- 16. The Great Hunt - Chapter 16/50 - In the Mirror of Darkness 2439.75
- 17. The Great Hunt - Chapter 17/50 - Choices 1231.81
- 18. The Great Hunt - Chapter 18/50 - To the White Tower 1728.16
- 19. The Great Hunt - Chapter 19/50 - Beneath the Dagger 2069.22
- 20. The Great Hunt - Chapter 20/50 - Saidin 996.978
- 21. The Great Hunt - Chapter 21/50 - The Nine Rings 1603.76
- 22. The Great Hunt - Chapter 22/50 - Watchers 1945.96
- 23. The Great Hunt - Chapter 23/50 - The Testing 2892.71
- 24. The Great Hunt - Chapter 24/50 - New Friends and Old Enemies 1607.49
- 25. The Great Hunt - Chapter 25/50 - Cairhien 1650.65
- 26. The Great Hunt - Chapter 26/50 - Discord 1806.35
- 27. The Great Hunt - Chapter 27/50 - The Shadow in the Night 1847.6
- 28. The Great Hunt - Chapter 28/50 - A New Thread in the Pattern 1040.06
- 29. The Great Hunt - Chapter 29/50 - Seanchan 2669.96
- 30. The Great Hunt - Chapter 30/50 - Daes Dae'mar 1573.34
- 31. The Great Hunt - Chapter 31/50 - On the Scent 1737.33
- 32. The Great Hunt - Chapter 32/50 - Dangerous Words 1457.38
- 33. The Great Hunt - Chapter 33/50 - A Message from the Dark 2101.83
- 34. The Great Hunt - Chapter 34/50 - The Wheel Weaves 2187.25
- 35. The Great Hunt - Chapter 35/50 - Stedding Tsofu 1738.61
- 36. The Great Hunt - Chapter 37/50 - What Might Be 1773.49
- 37. The Great Hunt - Chapter 38/50 - Practice 1762.62
- 38. The Great Hunt - Chapter 39/50 - Flight from the White Tower 1899.41
- 39. The Great Hunt - Chapter 40/50 - Damane 2429.69
- 40. The Great Hunt - Chapter 42/50 - Falme 1581.78
- 41. The Great Hunt - Chapter 43/50 - A Plan 1154.61
- 42. The Great Hunt - Chapter 44/50 - Five Will Ride Forth 1340.96
- 43. The Great Hunt - Chapter 45/50 - Blademaster 2862.98
- 44. The Great Hunt - Chapter 46/50 - To Come Out of the Shadow 1889.22
- 45. The Great Hunt - Chapter 47/50 - The Grave Is No Bar to My Call 1557.41
- 46. The Great Hunt - Chapter 48/50 - First Claiming 718.408
- 47. The Great Hunt - Chapter 49/50 - What Was Meant to Be 932.057
- 48. The Great Hunt - Chapter 50/50 - After 111.605
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