The Shadow Rising (Full Audiobook) Book Four of The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
Robert Jordan slowly and steadily builds an unforgettable evil that surpasses every legend there is in the myths and history of the human race. The evil goes on getting stronger and stronger in each part and its complete eradication almost becomes impossible even for the dragon-like warriors that we witness in The Dragon Reborn.
The Dark One that it destroys was just a fragment of the evil that he was about to face in the later stages. The novel begins with the news that the seals of Shayol Ghul are now lacking in power to control the devil they have imprisoned for such a long time. The shadow spreads over the valley now making the life of the people a living hell as they fail to find a solution for this epic sort of a problem.
All fail to stop the Dark One as the Black Ajah, Aes Sedai and Tairen Nobles fall one after the other and mankind are left with only one hope in the form of the Dragon Reborn. As compared to previous part the Dragon Reborn is now fully aware of his powers and limitations and knows the fate of the two fighters as well who will take part in the epic war. It’s done or dies situation for both i.e the good and the evil as the only one can survive the war.
The plot is a bit complex this time as it is loaded with several subplots as well but the clear voice of the two narrators Kate Reading and Michael Kramer makes the story easy to understand for the listeners. The details of the characters are given extra length in order to make a clear picture in the mind of the reader.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 01/58 - Seeds of Shadow 5811.98
- 03. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 02/58 - Whirpools in the Pattern 5402.94
- 04. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 03/58 - Reflection 2657.29
- 05. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 04/58 - Strings 969.572
- 06. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 06/58 - Doorways 2780.58
- 07. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 07/58 - Playing With Fire 2320.96
- 08. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 08/58 - Hard Heads 2220.07
- 09. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 09/58 - Decisions 2321.09
- 10. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 10/58 - The Stone Stands 2036.51
- 11. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 11/58 - What Lies Hidden 2938.29
- 12. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 12/58 - Tanchico or the Tower 1342.32
- 13. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 13/58 - Rumors 1288.71
- 14. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 14/58 - Customs of Mayene 1272.18
- 15. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 15/58 - Into the Doorway 1808.42
- 16. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 16/58 - Leavetakings 2073.48
- 17. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 17/58 - Deceptions 3321.23
- 18. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 18/58 - Into the Ways 1612.61
- 19. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 19/58 - The Wavedancer 2111.1
- 20. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 20/58 - Winds Rising 2491.45
- 21. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 21/58 - Into the Heart 2162.07
- 22. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 22/58 - Out of the Stone 2341.94
- 23. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 23/58 - Beyond the Stone 3709.6
- 24. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 24/58 - Rhuidean 2122.18
- 25. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 25/58 - The Road to the Spear 2723.47
- 26. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 26/58 - The Dedicated 3321.41
- 27. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 27/58 - Within the Ways 1814.87
- 28. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 28/58 - To the Tower of Ghenjei 1719.57
- 29. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 29/58 - Homecoming 2257.53
- 30. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 30/58 - Beyond the Oak 1675.36
- 31. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 31/58 - Assurances 3033.07
- 32. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 32/58 - Questions to Be Asked 2230.05
- 33. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 33/58 - A New Weave in the Pattern 3332.47
- 34. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 34/58 - He Who Comes with the Dawn 3259.86
- 35. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 35/58 - Sharp Lessons 2066.24
- 36. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 36/58 - Misdirections 2072.59
- 37. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 37/58 - Imre Stand 3239.7
- 38. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 38/58 - Hidden Faces 3816.01
- 39. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 39/58 - A Cup of Wine 2878.28
- 40. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 40/58 - Hunter of Trollocs 2129.6
- 41. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 41/58 - Among the Tuatha'an 1475.04
- 42. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 42/58 - A Missing Leaf 2475.7
- 43. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 43/58 - Care for the Living 1459.23
- 44. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 44/58 - The Breaking Storm 2026.51
- 45. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 45/58 - The Tinker's Sword 2841.19
- 46. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 46/58 - Veils 3104.29
- 47. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 47/58 - The Truth of a Viewing 4019.52
- 48. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 48/58 - An Offer Refused 2188.43
- 49. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 49/58 - Cold Rocks Hold 2369.71
- 50. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 50/58 - Traps 2739.69
- 51. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 51/58 - Revelations in Tanchico 2599.09
- 52. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 52/58 - Need 3286.82
- 53. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 53/58 - The Price of a Departure 3144.5
- 54. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 54/58 - Into the Palace 3408.28
- 55. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 55/58 - Into the Deep 1217.45
- 56. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 56/58 - Goldeneyes 3411.75
- 57. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 57/58 - A Breaking in the Three-fold Land 3401.17
- 58. The Shadow Rising - Chapter 58/58 - The Traps of Rhuidean 2702.88
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