The Starling Project – Full Audiobook An Audible Drama By Jeffery Deaver
The Starling Project is one of the works of famous author Jeffery Deaver. The story tells of Slarling’s projects: a raid canceled, the heart arrest at the bank. Will criminal investigators find the culprit, can stop Starling’s schemes, invite you to listen and watch.
#The Starling Project# Full Audiobook An Audible Drama By Jeffery Deaver
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. 01 The Starling Project 815.099
- 03. 02 The Starling Project 837.433
- 04. 03 The Starling Project 1342.75
- 05. 04 The Starling Project 1404.08
- 06. 05 The Starling Project 1480.1
- 07. 06 The Starling Project 1495.8
- 08. 07 The Starling Project 1183.37
- 09. 08 The Starling Project 1239.09
- 10. 09 The Starling Project 1194.08
- 11. 10 The Starling Project 1165.64
- 12. 11 The Starling Project 1411.55
- 13. 12 The Starling Project 1490.1
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