The Tangled Thread – Morland Dynasty, Book 10 – Audiobook Online
“The Tangled Thread” continues the saga of the Morland family, which spans generations and explores the dramatic events of British history. In this 10th book, set in the 16th century, the Morland family finds itself caught in a web of religious turmoil and political intrigue. As England undergoes the Protestant Reformation, tensions rise between Catholics and Protestants, and the Morland family members must navigate these dangerous waters. The story follows their struggles, triumphs, and sacrifices as they fight to protect their beliefs and their family legacy. With rich historical detail and complex characters, Cynthia Harrod-Eagles weaves a captivating tale that delves into the personal lives of this influential family within the backdrop of a rapidly changing England.
The Tangled Thread
- Morland Dynasty, Book 10
- Narrated by: Terry Wale
1788: A bloody revolution in France causes upheaval in the Morland family. Henri-Marie Fitzjames Stuart, illegitimate child of the Morland family, tries to protect his daughter, Heloise; his mistress, Marie-France; and their son, Morland. In the end, he tied Heloise into a loveless marriage to a revolutionary, and allied himself with the great Danton.
But during the guillotine bloodbath and the downfall of Danton, Henri-Marie loses his head and Heloise flees to England. She was welcomed by an open family, and in Yorkshire, Jemima proudly witnessed three marriages between her turbulent children. At least there could be an heir to Morland Place, but the seeds of disaster have already been sown.
I’ve been reading this series over and over again for several years. Stories filled with believable characters and historical background add another layer of interest. This volume deals with characters during the upheavals of the French Revolution. It moves back and forth between the “bastard” line of the family residing in France (tangled thread) and the Morland family residing in the Yorkshire region of England as both families face political changes and society occurred at the end of the 18th century. I found the story of Lucy Morland, the fugitive posing as a boy to become a surgeon’s mate, most interesting as she defies convention and family to use her gifts and become your true self. Her story becomes a mirror of the changing nature of the world the Morland Dynasty finds itself in.
For anyone who loves historical fiction, this series is a must. The Morland family’s fortunes throughout history are fascinating. Set in the historical facts of the time, involving family members with known historical figures feels like being really there.
The author has done extensive research, and her skill in weaving facts with fiction is believable. Information about the French revolution gives facts about the horrors of life in that period – the removal of the monarchy and its replacement by a republic suggests that it only replaced a power-hungry man by someone else! If we don’t learn from history, God help us. A really good and educational read. Now I’m moving to The Morland Dynasty 11.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Tangled Thread (Morland Dynasty 10)_01 6364.58
- 03. Tangled Thread (Morland Dynasty 10)_02 6364.52
- 04. Tangled Thread (Morland Dynasty 10)_03 6364.52
- 05. Tangled Thread (Morland Dynasty 10)_04 6364.52
- 06. Tangled Thread (Morland Dynasty 10)_05 6364.52
- 07. Tangled Thread (Morland Dynasty 10)_06 6364.52
- 08. Tangled Thread (Morland Dynasty 10)_07 6364.52
- 09. Tangled Thread (Morland Dynasty 10)_08 6364.52
- 10. Tangled Thread (Morland Dynasty 10)_09 6364.21
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