The Three Battles Of Wanat And Other True Stories – Audiobook Online

The Three Battles of Wanat and Other True Stories is a non-fiction book by Mark Bowden that recounts several military conflicts the United States has been involved in, including the three battles of Wanat. The book focuses on the experiences of soldiers on the front lines of these conflicts, including their successes, failures, and sacrifices. The three battles of Wanat, which occurred during the war in Afghanistan, are among the most harrowing accounts in the book. The first battle, known as the Battle of Wanat, was fought in 2008 when a small team of U.S. soldiers were ambushed by a much larger Taliban force. Although heavily outnumbered, the U.S. soldiers fought bravely and were able to hold their ground for several hours before reinforcements arrived. The second battle, known as the Battle of Kamdesh, took place in the same area of Afghanistan in 2009. Once again, a small U.S. team was defending a remote outpost when they were attacked by a large Taliban force. The U.S. soldiers fought for their lives for over 12 hours before the Taliban were finally defeated. The third battle, which occurred in 2011, was a smaller engagement but was still significant because it took place in the same area as the previous two battles. In this battle, a U.S. team was ambushed by Taliban fighters but were able to repel the attack and prevent their position from being overrun. Throughout the book, Bowden describes the soldiers’ experiences in vivid detail, highlighting their courage and selflessness in the face of danger. He examines the larger geopolitical context of the conflicts, as well as the human toll they take on those directly involved. Overall, The Three Battles of Wanat and Other True Stories is a gripping and informative book that offers a unique perspective on modern warfare.

The Three Battles Of Wanat And Other True Stories – Audiobook Online By: Mark Bowden

New York Times bestselling author Mark Bowden has enjoyed an illustrious career as one of America’s foremost journalists and non- fiction writers.

His new collection, Wanat’s Three Battles and Other True Stories, showcases his best feature – length work on war as well as notable biographies, sports narratives and Essays on culture.

Consisting of works from The Atlantic, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker and The Philadelphia Inquirer, this collection is Bowden’s finest work. The title article, “Three Battles in Wanat,” tells the story of one of the bloodiest days of the war in Afghanistan and the unusual, years-long aftermath it had on the U.S. military. In “The Killing Machines,” Bowden examines the strategic, legal, and ethical issues surrounding armed drones. And in a brilliant piece about Kim Jong-un, “The Bright Sun of Juche,” he reframes our understanding of the world’s youngest and most enigmatic dictator. There are also records of the newspaper Arthur Sulzberger; prominent defense attorney and death penalty activist Judy Clarke; and David Simon, author of The Wire.

Compelling and provocative, Wanat’s Three Battles is an essential collection for fans of Mark Bowden’s work and for anyone who enjoys first – rate nonfiction.

Not every chapter is equally compelling, but the chapter on Wanat is as good as it can be. I had a similar experience in Vietnam when my battalion was ordered to attack a entrenched North Vietnamese regiment, three times our size, with air or artillery support. Why? Because our division commander believed that the NVA would withdraw to Laos once they discovered American uniforms. Altogether, we have about 100 people killed; and the general received the Distinguished Service Cross (below the Medal of Honor) for his bravery, despite the fact that he suffered a nervous breakdown in the middle of the battle. The story told by Bowden was true, igniting a rage that had never subsided in me. The survivors of Wanat must have felt the same way. I salute them and the author for telling their story.

This is better than I expected. The lead story is something I’ve seen in the past. Mark Bowden gives a good report on what happened and the ensuing investigation. Other stories tell about different people around the world, including North Korean dictator Kim III (Kim Un). If you liked Black Hawk Down and Hue 1968, here’s his good post. I recommend it.

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