The Tipping Point – Audiobook Online By Malcolm Gladwell

The Tipping Point is a non-fiction business and careers book written by Malcolm Gladwell. This book is based on the premise of how little things can make a big difference. The author tries to explain the mysterious sociological events that mark every day of our lives. Ideas and messages spread as viruses do. Malcolm is a staff writer for The New Yorker since 1996. He has also done reporting for the Washington Post. Make sure to try out Talking to Strangers from the same author. Outliers is another great book by him.

The book is read by the author. This achieves the aim of adding more emphasis in the right places. Since this is a serious book, the author has the perfect voice for the narration. He is clear and keeps a solid pace throughout.

Why did Hush Puppies shoes become so popular in the mid-1990s? Why did the crime rate fall in the last decade of the last century? Why is teenage smoking getting out of hand? The author looks at the major changes that happen suddenly. A single person can start an epidemic of the flu. A graffiti painting can fuel a crime wave. Similarly, a satisfied customer at a restaurant can fill the empty tables. These all are social epidemics, and when they take off, they reach their ‘tipping point’.

The ideas in the book open your mind to the endless possibilities in business. It tells us that we have been living life the wrong way. We think of life as a linear growth model, but it is much more than that. The author also explains why some ideas catch on and why others fail. The examples discussed in the book are also on point.

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0.75 Speed
Normal Speed
1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Tipping Point 01 175.16
  • 03. Tipping Point 02 101.566
  • 04. Tipping Point 03 166.931
  • 05. Tipping Point 04 365.429
  • 06. Tipping Point 05 346.357
  • 07. Tipping Point 06 143.027
  • 08. Tipping Point 07 115.177
  • 09. Tipping Point 08 310.514
  • 10. Tipping Point 09 319.579
  • 11. Tipping Point 10 309.025
  • 12. Tipping Point 11 207.111
  • 13. Tipping Point 12 213.198
  • 14. Tipping Point 13 83.6444
  • 15. Tipping Point 14 264.638
  • 16. Tipping Point 15 217.013
  • 17. Tipping Point 16 212.362
  • 18. Tipping Point 17 475.337
  • 19. Tipping Point 18 233.576
  • 20. Tipping Point 19 218.528
  • 21. Tipping Point 20 217.404
  • 22. Tipping Point 21 296.093
  • 23. Tipping Point 22 219.939
  • 24. Tipping Point 23 250.766
  • 25. Tipping Point 24 374.781
  • 26. Tipping Point 25 198.725
  • 27. Tipping Point 26 343.458
  • 28. Tipping Point 27 312.761
  • 29. Tipping Point 28 336.247
  • 30. Tipping Point 29 250.923
  • 31. Tipping Point 30 314.407
  • 32. Tipping Point 31 394.14
  • 33. Tipping Point 32 275.115
  • 34. Tipping Point 33 363.156
  • 35. Tipping Point 34 161.262
  • 36. Tipping Point 35 91.4558
  • 37. Tipping Point 36 207.242
  • 38. Tipping Point 37 214.923
  • 39. Tipping Point 38 357.199
  • 40. Tipping Point 39 368.329
  • 41. Tipping Point 40 183.938
  • 42. Tipping Point 41 322.035
  • 43. Tipping Point 42 323.498
  • 44. Tipping Point 43 217.561

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