Angelfall/ Penryn & the End of Days Book 1 (Audiobook Online)

Angelfall is the first book in the Penryn & the End of Days series by author Susan Ee.
When the angels of the apocalypse descended to destroy the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. Warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, whose 17-year-old sister, Penryn, will do whatever it takes to bring her back.

Raffe is a warrior lying on the street. After many battles of his own, he finds himself rescued from a desperate situation by a starving teenage girl.

Traveling through dark and twisting Northern California, they have only each other to rely on for survival. Journey towards the stronghold of the angels in San Francisco, where Penryn will risk everything to rescue her sister, and Raffe will put herself at the mercy of her greatest enemies for a chance comprehensive comeback.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Angelfall-Penryn-The-End-Of-Days-1-000 5394.77
  • 03. Angelfall-Penryn-The-End-Of-Days-1-001 5394.77
  • 04. Angelfall-Penryn-The-End-Of-Days-1-002 5394.77
  • 05. Angelfall-Penryn-The-End-Of-Days-1-003 5394.72
  • 06. Angelfall-Penryn-The-End-Of-Days-1-004 5394.77
  • 07. Angelfall-Penryn-The-End-Of-Days-1-005 4474.32


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